Lemons Rules & Forms

So simple, even YOU can understand them. We've used small words. And pictures. Ooh look, a squirrel...

LEMONS Rules & Regulations

Yep, they're like Terms & Conditions for entering NaZCAR's events ... so view 'em here: Lemons RULES 'N REGS.

Race Licenses

If you wanna race, you gotta have a 'Race License' - you'll need a 'General Speed' License for all Nazcar events (Lemons, Limes, Pro and Mega). This is an annual AASA License and is available online (takes about 10 minutes to complete)


LEMONS Driver Indemnity

The driver indemnity signing process is digital. To digitally sign your driver indemnity, visit 'My Dashboard' under your account and click the 'Sign' button to complete the process ... and you're done! All competitors must sign their indemnity form prior to the event.

HINT: Your Team Captain must "ASSIGN your ROLE" in the team entry (from their Dashboard) before you can sign... knucklehead!

LEMONS Crew Indemnity

The crew indemnity signing process is also digital. To digitally sign your crew indemnity, visit 'My Dashboard' under your account and click the 'Sign' button to complete the process ... and you're done! All competitors must sign their indemnity form prior to the event.

HINT: Your Team Captain must "ASSIGN your ROLE" in the team entry (from their Dashboard) before you can sign... weren't you listening?!?

Got Problems?

Use our Lemons Toolbox ... a simple guide for us simple folk!

"Making bad decisions since ages ago!"
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